In this article we will learn about Steam Condenser in short. Toward the finish of this article, you will figure out How a Steam Condenser functions, the Definition and Types of a steam condenser, and then some. So we should begin. 

What is a Steam Condenser? 

A steam condenser is a shut vessel heat exchanger that is utilized to change low-pressure steam over to water. 

The pressing factor inside a steam condenser is kept underneath the environmental strain to expand productivity. It is by and large utilized for bringing down the backpressure of the exhaust of the turbine end. 

The Functions or Needs of a Steam Condenser: 

The capacities or the necessities of the condenser in a steam power plant are the accompanying: 

As I referenced over a steam condenser is utilized to keep up with the low back pressing factor of the exhaust end of the turbine to builds the productivity and diminishing the particular steam utilization of a plant. 

It is utilized for changing the low-pressure steam over to the fluid for example water and we can take care of this water again into the kettle without doing any further treatment. 

Steam Condenser: Types, Working Principle and Operation, Advantage, Disadvantage and Application

It likewise expands the warmth move rate by dispensing with other non-condensable gases from the exhaust steam. 

Essential Working Principle of Steam Condenser: 

Inside a steam condenser, there is a progression of cooling water which is constantly circling from condenser to cooling pinnacle and cooling pinnacle to the condenser. 

So when exhaust low-pressure steam comes from the turbine and goes through the condenser, it (steam) gets consolidated to water, as the steam loses the warmth, the removed warmth from the steam is completed by means of the circling cooling water. 

Also Read: Surface Condenser Construction and Working Principle, Types, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages

There two sorts of gadget fitted on the condenser, one is the condensate extraction siphon, and the other one is the air extraction siphon. 

So when the steam dense into water, by the assistance of condensate extraction siphon it is again re-circle to the steam generator. 

Furthermore, through air-extraction siphon, the vacuum inside the condenser is made so that cooling water can circle effectively and furthermore stream of condensate can be settled. 

This is the essential marvels on how a steam condenser functions, in the following area we will see the order of the steam condenser, and how each sort of condenser functions in subtleties. 

Orders of Steam Condenser: 

The condenser can be extensively characterized into two sorts: 

  • Direct Contact type Condenser 
  • Surface Condenser 

Direct Contact type Condenser: 

In direct contact type condenser the steam (Condensate) and the cooling water combines and come as one as a solitary stream. 

It's for the most part accessible in the market as a minimal expense, and the plan of this kind of condenser is practically straightforward. 

Be that as it may, where the combination of cooling water and condensate isn't reasonable we can't utilize this kind of condenser. 

Direct contact type condenser is three sorts: 

  • Fly Condenser 
  • Barometric Condenser 
  • Splash Condenser 

Fly Condenser: 

As it is one sort of direct contact type condenser that is the reason here condensate and the cooling water is combine as one and comes out..

Steam Condenser: Types, Working Principle and Operation, Advantage, Disadvantage and Application

 Here as the steam accompanies the cooling water that is the reason recycling of the cooling water to the evaporator is beyond the realm of imagination until it goes through a water treatment plant. 

Be that as it may, the gathering capacity of the stream condenser is especially higher than the other. 

The fly condenser can be arranged into 4 additional sorts: 

  • Equal stream fly condenser 
  • Counterflow or Low-level stream condenser 
  • Barometric or High-level stream condenser 
  • Ejector Condenser 

Equal Flow Jet Condenser: 

In an equal stream fly condenser, the course of stream of the steam and the heading of stream of the cooling water is same, both of this comes from the highest point of the condenser and comes out in the wake of blending from the lower part of the condenser. 

Also Read: Heat Pump and Refrigerator Working principle,Operation and Applications

Counter stream or Low-level Jet Condenser: 

It is the polar opposite of equal stream fly condenser, here cooling water comes from the highest point of the condenser, and exhaust steam enters to the condenser from the base side segment of the condenser. 

So the bearing of the cooling water is downwards, and the course of exhaust steam is vertically. That is the reason this sort of condenser is called counterflow condenser. 

Barometric or High-level Jet Condenser: 

In the barometric condenser, the condenser shell is fitted over the hot well at a tallness of 10.36 m. To accomplish this the release segment of this kind of condenser is fitted with a long upward line, or it is likewise called tailpipe. 

In this kind of condenser, there is no condensate extraction siphon is there, the stream is totally done by the assistance of gravitational power. 

Notwithstanding, a cooling water infusion siphon is there to convey the cooling water from the highest point of the condenser. 

The other working of this kind of condenser is same as counterflow condenser. 

Ejector Condenser: 

An ejector condenser has a no-return valve through which exhaust steam enters to the condenser. 

It additionally has a few joined spouts which help to diminish the pressing factor of the inward part of the condenser, henceforth because of low pressing factor, the exhaust steam brings into the condenser through the no-return valve, and blends in with the cooling water and condensate. 

Steam Condenser: Types, Working Principle and Operation, Advantage, Disadvantage and Application

Eventually, there is again a unique spout where the dynamic energy is again changed over to the pressing factor energy, and increment the pressing factor at the exhaust of the condenser which assists with separating the condensate out of the condenser. 

Presently we should discuss the other kind of condenser that is Surface Condenser. 

Surface Condenser: 

Surface condensers are by and large utilized in the force plant. This kind of condenser is likewise called shell and cylinder type condenser. 

Here there is no contact between exhaust steam and cooling water. So the removed condensate can be reused in the heater with no water treatment. 

Inside the condenser space, there are a few flat cylinders, inside which cooling water is streaming. At the above bit of the condenser, the exhaust steam enters and streaming downwards, when the steam in touch with the cylinders inside which cooling water is streaming, the steam gets dense, here the warmth move is finished by conduction and additionally convection. 

A condensate extraction siphon is fitted at the base which assists with separating the consolidate water from the condenser. 

There are two kinds of water pass, one is single-pass where water is streaming the one way and the other one is a twofold pass or two passes where water circled inside the condenser tube in the two ways. 

The subtleties figure of Single-Pass and Two-Pass condenser are displayed in the figure. 

Additionally in this kind of condenser, there is a cylinder sheet is fitted at each finish of the condenser where the water tubes are moved to keep away from spillage. 

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Surface Condenser is arranged into four kinds: 

  • Downflow surface condenser 
  • Focal stream condenser 
  • Regenerative condenser 
  • Evaporative condenser 

Down stream Surface Condenser: 

In downflow surface condenser exhaust steam from the prime over enters from the highest point of the condenser and streams downwards because of the gravitational power and the impact of air-extraction siphon. 

At the point when the steam streams downwards it's in contact with a few cooling tubes and lose the warmth and get dense. Later on the gather water separate from the base surface of the condenser by the assistance of Condensate Extraction Pump. 

Focal Flow Condenser: 

In this sort of condenser, steam enters from the highest point of the condenser. The pull end of the air extraction siphon is fitted at the focal point of the condenser or cylinder. 

Because of this plan, steam is strongly passed radially which guarantee better warmth move as the contact space of cylinders and steam is presently more. 

After heat trade, the condensate put away at the lower part of the condenser and by the assistance of condenser evacuation siphon it is separated. 

Regenerative Condenser: 

In this sort of condenser, the condensate is likewise warmed by the assistance of exhaust steam which comes into the condenser, and afterward the condensate is feed to the steam generator. It drastically works on the productivity of the steam age plant. 

Evaporative Condenser: 

Here the exhaust steam comes from the turbine goes into the condenser inside a cylinder. At the above part of the condenser, there several spouts fitted from which cooling water is showered. 

At the point when the cooling water is coming into the contact with the cylinder inside which steam is following then, at that point some bit of the cooling water is retained warmth and vapourised. 

As the warmth is currently taken from the steam so it is presently changed over into water and gathered outside of the condenser. 

Also Read: Reversible and Irreversible Processes in Thermodynamics

Utilizations of Steam Condenser: 

The utilizations of Steam Condenser are recorded underneath: 

Condenser like surface condenser is utilized in the nuclear energy station to condensate the exhaust steam from the turbine. 

Steam condensers are utilized in numerous food preparing ventures too. 

Benefits of Steam Condenser: 

As there are two sorts of condenser accessible one is immediate contact condenser, and the other one is the surface condenser, so clearly their benefits will be distinctive also. 

Advantage of Direct Contact Condenser: 

  1. The stream condenser is straightforward in plan. 
  2. Underlying expense is especially less. 

Advantage of Surface Condenser: 

  1. On account of surface condenser, it drastically further develops the vacuum proficiency. 
  2. As in surface condenser, there is no blending happens, so we can get the unadulterated condensate which can be reused in the evaporator. 
  3. Amount of the cooling water required for heat trade object is moderately low. 

De-Merits of Steam Condenser: 

Steam Condenser likewise have a few burdens, they are recorded beneath as indicated by the sorts: 

Detriments of Direct Contact Condenser: 

As cooling water and condensate turn out in one stream, so here it is unimaginable to expect to reuse the condensate without water treatment. 

Vacuum effectiveness is low in direct contact condenser like the stream condenser. 

Hindrances of Surface Condenser: 

Configuration is muddled so the underlying expense is more. 

The support cost of this sort of condenser

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