Types of Solar Photovoltaic cells

In this article we will learn about Solar Cells Types – Types of Solar Photovoltaic Cells Semiconductor materials are basically used to make solar cells. These can be described as follows.

1. Crystalline Solar Cells

Currently, most solar cells are made of monocrystalline or multi-crystalline silicon. Some crystal growth, such as the silicon ingot czochoralsk method Are created by the process.

Also, some specialized stoves and equipment are used in their preparation. These ingots are cut into thin wafers. Only one crystal wafer is 125×125 mm or larger “pseudo square” Be consistent with the shape.

Multi-crystalline wafers can be 100 x 100 mm or larger square in design. This intrinsic semiconductor silicon wafer is then transferred to the extrinsic semiconductor. The p-n-junction is formed by combining some of the contaminants such as n-type (phosphorous) and p-type (boron) with a wafer on a large scale.

Solar Cells Types

In this way, silicon wafers are converted into solar cells. Electricity is generated when these are exposed to sunlight. Or connections are made at the top and bottom of the solar cell and electricity is taken.

2. Thin Film Solar Cells

Solar Cells Types

These solar cells are made by coating some thin film with amorphous silicon copper Indium Solenidel Cadmium Sulfide (CulnSe / cds). Thin-film solar The cost of making cells is low. But at the same time, its efficiency is very low. Therefore, thin-film solar cells are produced in small quantities.

Methods of reducing cost

Innovative production methods (like the EFG process) are improved and costs are reduced. Thus the production process takes place faster. Thus material Waste is reduced and larger cells are produced (EFG: Edge defined film fed growth).

Next, a technology called thin film is used to reduce costs as less material is required and less expensive material is used. The way occurs. Furthermore, the use of a concentrator in the PV system further reduces the cost of the solar cell by allowing sunlight to fall on the more efficient solar cells.

With thin-film technology, there are ways to make cheap PV cells. Below are the various thin-film techniques injected.

1. Amorphous silicon method
2. Cadmium telluride method
3. Copper indium gallium diselenide method

Methods of Increasing Cell Efficiency

The following methods are used to improve the efficiency of the solar cell.

1. Using other materials

2.Concentration of Incidence solar energy:

The efficiency of the cell can be improved by concentrating and using sunlight. The cells should be arranged at the center of the parabolic or trough concentrator. Focusing on about 500 suns can increase cell efficiency by up to 25%. Concentrators are more expensive.

3. Tkenno photovoltaic Systems:

High concentrations of light are used to heat refractory material. The hot material transmits solar energy back to the solar cell at a higher wavelength.

These Wavelengths are more effective at generating electricity in a solar cell. Since the required temperature is 1870 to 1925 C, there are some problems in selecting the material.

4. Cascade System and multijunction solar systems are used. The solar spectrum in different regions is subjected to each cell and operated efficiently. These types of systems are capable of delivering over 25% efficiency.

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