Basic Mechanism and Types Of Corrosion

In this post, we’ll discuss the Basic Mechanism and Types Of Corrosions usually encounter in industries. currently, let we tend to begin from basics

Read: Prevention Method and Mechanism Of Boiler Cold End Corrosion

What is corrosion?

Corrosion may be a natural method of decay of the fabric

What is mandatory for understanding regarding corrosion?

The annual price due to corrosion of materials and of protection against corrosion can increase everywhere the globe. These ar countries can pay cash for corrosion protection

This tremendous price is a smaller amount shocking after we think about that the corrosion happens. as an example, one giant manufacturing plant can pay around a pair of million dollars a year for painting steel to forestall from corrosion.

Worldwide Corrosion in automobile fuel systems alone price around a hundred million dollars p.a.. motor vehicle radiators account for regarding fifty-two million dollars. 

usually in vehicles, {the price|the value|the price} of painting comes around 1/3 of the vehicle cost. If we tend to cut back corrosion or preventing corrosion can drastically modify the world economy.

Corrosion Mechanism (Electrochemical Aspects)

Before we tend to ar going see the varied styles of corrosion, it’s essential to currently the mechanics of corrosion.

The chemical science nature of corrosion may be illustrated by the attack of Zn by acid. once Zn is placed in dilute acid a full of life reaction occurs; hydrogen gas is evolved and also the Zn is dissolved forming an answer of Zn chloride. The reaction is as follows

Zn + 2HCl ——-> atomic number 30cl2 + H2

From the on top of the equation, it’s found that the chloride particle isn’t concerned with the reaction. thence the on top of the equation may be rewritten as follows

Zn + 2H+ ——-> Zn +2 + H2

From this equation once the Zn particle reacts with the H ions within the acid resolution to make Zn ions and H gas. throughout the reaction, Zn is modifying to Zn ions and cation is reduced to H. The reaction may be divided into 2 reactions.

  1. Oxidation 
  2. Reduction

In the on top of reaction oxidization (Anodic reaction)

Zn ——> zinc+2 + 2e

The reduction reaction (Cathodic reaction)

2H+ + 2e ——> H2

A chemical reaction or anodic reaction is indicated by a rise in valence or production of AN electron. A decrease in valence charge or the consumption of electrons signifies a discount or electrode reaction. throughout antimonial corrosion, the speed of oxidization can capable of the speed of reduction.

The on top of thought is illustrated within the figure below. Here the Zn atom has been remodeled into Zn ion and 2 electrons. These electrons that stay within the metal ar forthwith consumed throughout the reduction of H ions. 

These 2 reactions can occur at the same time at an equivalent purpose on the surface of the metal.

Similar to Zn, each iron and metal are quickly corroded by hydrochloric acid. the subsequent reaction takes place.

Fe +2HCl —–> FeCl2 + H2

2AL + 6HCl —–> 2AlCl3 + 3H2

Corrosion Mechanism of Iron oxide (Rust) Formation

Now think about once AN iron is immersed in water or ocean water that is exposed to the atmosphere. currently, corrosion can occur thanks to the anodic reaction is

Fe —–> Fe+2 + 2e

And also the medium is exposed to the atmosphere, it contains dissolved O2. each water and ocean water ar nearly neutral, so the cathodic reaction takes place as follows

O2 + 2H2O + 4e —–> 4OH–

Now, keep in mind that the metal and chloride within the ocean water don’t participate in the reaction. The reaction is just between the iron and water. The reaction may be rewritten as follows

2Fe(OH)2 + liquid + ½ O2 —–> 2Fe(OH)2

Now the final product is familiarly referred to as “Rust”.

Normally the acid resolution containing dissolved O2 is additional corrosive than air free acids. O2 reduction merely provides a brand new suggests that of “electron disposal”. an equivalent result is ascertained if any oxidizer is present in acid resolution.

Since the anodic and cathodic reactions occur throughout corrosion ar mutually dependent, it’s potential to cut back the corrosion by reducing the rate of either reaction.


The thought of polarization is incredibly necessary for understanding the behavior of corrosion and corrosion reactions. the rate of chemical science reaction is restricted by numerous physical and chemical factors. 

Thence AN electrochemical reaction is alleged to be polarized or backward by these environmental factors. usually, polarization is split into 2 varieties

  1. Activation polarization 
  2. Concentration polarization

Activation polarization:

It refers AN electrochemical method that is controlled by the reaction sequence at the metal-electrolyte interface. currently think that the H evolution reaction on Zn throughout corrosion in acid resolution with respect to the figure shown below the hydrogen reduction on the Zn, the surface can follow four steps as follows and these steps ar common for all the materials. The steps ar shown by numbers.

Step 1:(Refer on top of figure the steps ar marked inbox)

The H ions should be absorbed or connected on the surface of the metal (Zinc) before the reaction will proceed.

Step 2:

Following step one the electron transfer can occur leading to a discount of the metal

Step 3:

The H ions then mix with the electron to make H molecules.

Step 4:

These H molecules then mix to make hydrogen gas.

The speed of reduction of H ions is controlled by the slowest of those steps.

Concentration Polarization:

It refers to AN electrochemical reaction that is controlled by the diffusion within the solution. 

This is often shown within the below figure. during this case, a variety of H ions in resolution (diluted acids) is sort of little and also the reduction rate is controlled by the diffusion of H ions to the metal surface. Note that during this case the reduction rate is controlled by processes occurring at intervals the majority resolution instead of at the metal surface.

Types of Corrosion:

  • Galvanic Corrosion 
  • Concentration cell corrosion 
  • Pitting corrosion 
  • Crevice corrosion 
  • Fretting corrosion 
  • Intergranular corrosion (IGC) 
  • Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)

Galvanic Corrosion

Galvanic corrosion happens once a metal or AN alloy is electrically coupled to a different metal, alloy, or conductive non-metal during a common, conductive medium. a possible distinction typically exists between 2 dissimilar metals, that cause a flow of electrons between them. This flow of electrons causes corrosion, this kind of corrosion is named as galvanic corrosion.

The corrosion rate of the less corrosion-resistant (active) electrode metal is multiplied, whereas that of a lot of corrosion-resistant (noble) cathodic metal or alloy is reduced.

Concentration cell Corrosion

Concentration cell corrosion could be a style of galvanic corrosion. this kind of corrosion can occur once 2 or a lot of square measures of a metal surface are connected with totally different concentrations of an equivalent resolution.

There are 3 general kinds of concentration cell corrosion:

  • Metal ion concentration cells 
  • Oxygen concentration cells, and 
  • Active-passive cells.

The lower the metal ion concentration the larger are going to be the solution potential of the metal and its tendency to dissolve or corrode.

Pitting corrosion

Pitting corrosion may be localized corrosion. The formation of holes within the surface of the material. pitting will have varied shapes and may act as a stress concentration purpose. 

Pits also are placed for corrodents to settle and become a lot of targeted, therefore producing an additive injury impact to the material.

The corrosion harm because of roughness is tougher to damage and predict once compare to different varieties of corrosion

Crevice Corrosion

Crevice corrosion is comparable to pitting corrosion. Any crevice acts as a level cell during which corrodents will settle and become a lot of focused and thereby a lot of quickly attack neighboring material. Crevice corrosion has been attributed to at least one or a lot of of the following

  • Increase in acidity 
  • Build from a harmful ion 
  • Lack of oxygen 
  • Depletion of AN inhibitor
Crevice corrosion is fastened by the planning of the system however normally occurs on bolts, seal space and different points of metal contact.

Fretting Corrosion

Fretting corrosion happens in an area wherever metals might slide over ANother} with the presence of a solution. this type of corrosion in the main happens within the heat exchangers. 

Wherever the tubes are in touch with intermediate supports (baffles) within the device. The metal to metal rubbing causes mechanical harm that removes protecting compound coatings. 

The freshly exposed surface is then attacked by the corrodents within the fluid. The vibration of long tubes within the device might expose to fretting corrosion. The reduction of vibration is so a way of minimizing this type of corrosion.

Intergranular Corrosion

Inter-granular corrosion is another localized kind of attack. In that, the corrosion can occur on the grain boundaries rather than within the materials. 

The intergranular corrosion principally happens within the stainless-steel materials because of the depletion of Cr within the grain boundaries. In severe cases of intergranular corrosion, the grain boundaries can seem rough to the optic, with particles of loose grain evident. 

it’s believed that intergranular corrosion is because of HAZ (Heat Affected Zone) of weld metal space or inadequate heat treatment technique. sensible heat treatment practices reduce intergranular corrosion and another approach is to use a changed alloy that has tighter grain boundaries.

Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)

Stress corrosion cracking could be a progressive sort of failure that causes cracks at stress levels well below a materials yield purpose. 

it’s caused by a mix of material properties currently recognized as moving principally high strength alloys, it happens partly underneath high strength and therefore the grain structure of the fabric.

Therefore the term corrosion cracking will be improved by loading or they’ll be residual stresses created within the material throughout forming or attachment. Stress corrosion cracking will increase with the temperature of the corroding medium.

Erosion corrosion

Erosion corrosion is that the acceleration or increase within the rate of degradation or attack on the metal surface owing to the relative movement between a corrosive fluid and therefore the metal surface. 

Generally, this movement is quite fast and mechanical wear effects or abrasions are concerned. Metal is off from the surface as dissolved ions or it forms solid corrosion products that are automatically swept from the metal surface.

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